12 Teaching creativity


Education in Creativació®, an essential tool for an exponential world

Miquel Àngel Oliva i Sans

In a recent publication on “The future of employment”, the World Economic Forum (WEF) affirmed that many of today’s jobs will become obsolete in the coming years due to technological advances and it also affirmed that most jobs with the highest demand today did not even exist just five or ten years ago.

According to this same report, two out of every three young people who are currently studying will work in jobs that today do not even exist yet. According to its conclusions, in 2020 more than a third of the basic skills for most qualified jobs will consist of skills that today are not considered crucial.

So how can we prepare new generations for an environment that is changing so rapidly? What knowledge and skills do they need to acquire in order to successfully face their future? How should we assess students’ performance? What is the role that educators must play?

These questions currently pose an important debate in the educational community, which is seeking strategies and methodologies to respond to them and which is at the beginning of a movement now known as “new education”.

Aspects such as entrepreneurship, collaborative work, communicative skills, the use of new technologies, besides simply the classic knowledge of languages, are becoming fundamental. But among all of these aspects, one is particularly important – people’s creative capacity, often poorly fostered in the academic and educational environment.

As an example of this fact, at a recent conference the Managing Director of Google in Spain explained that Google does not hire people based on their curriculum, not even depending on whether or not they more or less fit the profile required for a specific position, but above all it does so based on candidates’ capacity for innovation that they can bring to the company.

So the question becomes simple – where does a company’s capacity for innovation come from?

A collective’s capacity for innovation, in this case a company’s, comes from the creativity of the people that make it up.

Because without creativity, it is not possible to identify new opportunities or to search for alternative solutions to current problems or needs, which today do not exist and which must therefore be “created” again.

Miquel Àngel Oliva i Sans

Miquel Àngel Oliva i Sans

Managing Director of the Foundation for Creativació®


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